Managing Landing Pages on Kajabi: Deleting and Exporting

Managing Landing Pages on Kajabi: Deleting and Exporting

On Kajabi, an effective website management tool, users often find the need to either clean up their digital space by removing pages or take their content elsewhere. Recognizing these common needs, Kajabi empowers its users with intuitive tools for effective website management. This article will guide you through both processes seamlessly.

How to safely remove landing pages on Kajabi:

To ensure your website remains fresh and relevant, you may occasionally need to delete standalone or custom website pages. Here's how you can permanently remove a page from your Kajabi account:

  1. Navigate to the 'Website' tab on your Kajabi Dashboard.
  2. Click 'Pages'.
  3. Identify the specific page you want to delete.
  4. Click on the ... next to the desired page title.
  5. Double-check to ensure you're removing the intended page and select 'Delete'.
  6. A prompt will appear. Confirm the deletion by selecting 'Delete' again.

How to migrate your landing page on Kajabi:

In an era of collaboration and content sharing, having a quick way to migrate your designs is invaluable. Perhaps you're transitioning content, or you wish to share a landing page with a collaborator. Kajabi provides an easy method to export your pages.

  1. Go to the 'Website' tab on your Dashboard.
  2. Choose 'Pages'.
  3. Click on the 'Landing page' folder.
  4. Find the landing page you want to export.
  5. Click on the ... menu adjacent to the landing page.
  6. Then, opt for 'Export'.

Once the page exportation is complete, Kajabi Support will send an email to the address associated with your account. This email will contain a download link for a zip file of your exported page. With this file in hand, you're free to import the page onto another Kajabi site or share it with colleagues or friends.

As you navigate the intricate pathways of digital creation and management on Kajabi, remember that tools like these are designed to make your journey smoother.