A Guide to Kajabi's Net Revenue Tracking

A Guide to Kajabi's Net Revenue Tracking

A Guide to Kajabi's Net Revenue Tracking Navigating the financial landscape of your online ventures is crucial for effective business management. The "Net Revenue Report" provides an in-depth look into your revenue streams, allowing you to understand and manage your finances better. Here, we'll give you a comprehensive rundown of the report's various features, tailored for users familiar with platforms like Kajabi. Breaking Down the Line Graph One of the report's main features is the line graph that illustrates your Gross Revenue juxtaposed with refunds, culminating in the Net Revenue. A mere hover over this graph reveals intricate details: Gross Revenue: This indicates your total income before any deductions. Refunds: The amount returned to customers. Net Revenue: Gross Revenue minus Refunds, representing your actual profit. Purchases: The total number of sales made. Comparison and Offers Analysis It's often beneficial to pit your Offers against one another to determine their relative success. By clicking on "Compare Offers", you can juxtapose the Net Revenue of multiple offers within a specific period. This helps you identify which offerings are most lucrative and which might require revision. Timeframe Customization Kajabi understands that businesses have varied reporting needs. Hence, you can tailor the timeframe of the data you want to assess. Whether it's a pre-defined range or a custom one, you can set it. Furthermore, decide how you'd like this data presented: daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. Visualizing Revenue through Donut Charts Two pivotal donut charts provide a quick visual insight: Revenue by Offer: Displays the Net Revenue and highlights your top 5 best-performing offers in terms of revenue generation. Refunds by Offer: Gives an insight into the total refunds and which of the top 5 offers are most frequently refunded. A Detailed Summary For those who crave in-depth knowledge, the Summary is where the magic happens. It presents a granulated look at your financial data: Payments Collected: Total payments received. Revenue: Total income. Refunds: Amount returned to customers. Offers Purchased: Daily breakdown of offers sold. You can adjust the timeframe of this data using the dropdown menu, offering flexibility and precision. Optimizing Views with Filters On Kajabi, the filter bar is an invaluable tool. Located on the page's right, this tool lets you modify the entire data set according to your preferences. Whether you want to sort by payment type, currency, or pick up to 5 specific offers, the filter ensures the data displayed is most relevant to you. Conclusion The Net Revenue Report is more than just numbers and charts; it's a roadmap to your business's financial health. With Kajabi's intuitive design and feature-rich interface, deriving insights becomes second nature. Whether you're comparing offers or diving deep into daily data, this report ensures you're always in the know. Equip yourself with this knowledge, and steer your business towards financial success!