Dripping Content With Kajabi

Dripping Content With Kajabi

Learn how to use Kajabi's powerful Drip Content feature to control the timing of your Product and Product Posts access with ease.

With Kajabi, you have the flexibility to sell a Product through an Offer with a future release date, making it perfect for preorders and upcoming launches. This way, you can sell your Offer in advance while fine-tuning your Product before the release date.

Here's how to set up Drip Content for your Kajabi Products:

  1. Set the Product Access Date:
    1. Go to the Sales tab on your Dashboard and click on Offers.
    2. Select the Offer you want to work on or create a new one.
    3. Scroll to the Product Access Panel.
    4. Choose "Begin access at a specific date" and select the desired date on the calendar.
    5. Don't forget to save your changes.
  2. Set the Product Post Drip Date:
    1. Head to the Products tab on your Dashboard.
    2. Click on the Course you want to edit or create.
    3. Find the Category or Sub-Category you wish to Drip.
    4. Click the Content Release Icon on the right side of the Category or Sub-Category.
    5. From the dropdown menu, select "Drip."
    6. Specify how many days after purchase or grant you want the Category or Sub-Category to become available.
    7. Click Save to apply your settings.

By utilizing the powerful combination of Product Access Date and Drip Content, you can precisely control when your customers gain access to your valuable content, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for each member. Keep in mind that updating the Product Access Date will only impact future purchases, preserving the experience for existing members. Now you're all set to maximize the impact of your Product releases and delight your audience with a well-timed and strategic content rollout. Happy dripping!